Dug dug, tadug dug, HUH! (and other tidbits)

- So, with the lack of any real Naruto episodes, I have finally given in and started reading the manga series online. This has also provided a great way to pass the time at work, when your stuck in front of a computer for the entire day, what better way to pass the time than to catch up on Naruto :D However, I am nearing the end of where the series is up to so far, so after the first of hour of work tomorrow, I will be once again stuck with nothing to do. Except work. Which still amounts to nothing.
This resurgence of interest in Naruto has piqued my thirst to watch the episodes I already have, and watching it again you find why you liked the series in the first place, a well thought out plot that is both humorous and touching, awesome fucking music, characters that you can care about, etc etc. Ah yes, the days before the whole thing hit the filler shit fan.
Concerning the pic above, apparently Nike and Bandai are partnering to bring you the official Naruto shoe, which kids will no doubtly use to help concentrate their chakra, especially when they walk on water or climb horizontally up a tree trunk. I use the term official, because I am sure that in any flea market in Asia you can find rubber shoes w/ a Naruto figure sewn on the side.
- The world is truly changing when Mad TV is better than SNL.
- A conversation at work the other day:
Asian guy: (trying to be cute) Your just picking on me cause I'm Asian!
Girl: You're Asian?? (sounding surprised)
(momentary pause while everyone within earshot wonders why she has to ask, when his black hair, yellow/orange skin, slanted eyes, spectacles, and (probably) the inherent ability to play the piano and/or violin, makes the question unconditionally rhetorical.)
Asian guy: I'm Cambodian.
Girl: Yeah, so?
everyone within earshot: *slaps forehead
Someone thankfully, informed her that Cambodians are indeed, Asian.
- the world is truly a sad place, when you run out of things to do on the Intertron.
- And I don't get the big deal about Gnarls Barkley. Ok, it's Cee-Lo (sp). He named his band after a basketball player. And?
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