Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Randomness from the phone - drunkenness

After the Toronto trip, I managed to procure a very cheap (and working!) Bluetooth adapter. Fuck eBay and the Hong Kong sellers. I bought one from HK on eBay, for 1 cent! But shipping and taxes were like 5 bucks, and no surprises, it didn't work. So while in Toronto, I bought one that was 2000 times more expensive (minus the shipping) than the one from eBay, and lo and behold! It works! That means I can now start emptying the random images captured on my crappy camera phone, and share them with the general populace.

Ah yes, a good ol' pitcher of Alexander Keiths, with a bottle beside it for comparison. Sure it doesn't look very intimidating, but in real life, maybe. And after consuming a couple of these, we move to the next picture...

Persons who will remain unnamed (i.e.. Lawrence) semi-passed out at our table. "Semi" to the point where he did not seem to mind the knife on the table being used on his finger. Good times.

7 hours later after the first picture... Yep, that's vomit. Under some leaves. Not mine though. (clue: look at picture above...)

Waaay back in the winter, I remember I left the house early in the morning, round 530, 6 I think, and stepping out onto the sidewalk I just see this massive blanket of snow, covering the road and sidewalk, that hadn't been plowed by the sidewalk plowers yet, and I thought damn, that's pretty awesome. Then of course I had to walk through it, and I was like "Fucking snow !"

Going off on a slightly different tangent, I remember back in the Phils, when I was on a tricycle one time, riding on the seat behind the driver when it began to rain pretty bad. By the time I got off, my lower half from just above the knees downwards was completely soaked, it looked like my lower half had been dipped into a pool. That incident induced a lot of swearing and "I hate the Philippines" and "Fuck the third world" and "Can't wait to get out this hell hole" sentiments. Now a few years later, I can draw parallels after having to trudge through the snow, and reaching the bus stop with not only everything from the knees downward soaking wet (well, not really soaking, my shoes have holes in them), but also slightly numb from the cold.

This was from a different bar, I remember sometime near the end of the night, after the umpteenth visit to the toilet, my mind couldn't stop thinking about how awesome it was to have a tv above the urinal. I remember I kept thinking "that is genius, fucking genius!!" and hence the picture. The pic is a bit bad. Cause they were closing. And had already turned the lights off in the toilet. So I had to relieve myself by the benevolent glow coming from the hallowed monitor.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Holy Carp indeed

Born out of a series of failed attempts is what I would call this. At first, it was the initial surge in creativity to abandon the Friendster blog and to create a website, ethnicscrap.com it would be called, an extravaganza that would include a weekly webcomic, an outlet of my (mediocre) comedic talents, also serving as a blog, image and file repository, holy cow this would be awesome! (aaaand that lasted all of 2 and a half days)

Alas, good old Procrastination took over, and it threw a whole slew of reasons for me not to continue. "The cost of hostname registration and website hosting" it said. Hostname registration being 20 bucks for a year and the cheapest host I could find was $3/month, which wasn't too bad, but there was this whole deal of "moving" that I have to deal with in 3 months time (oops! I shouldn't have said that! Eh, fuck it, it's not like people don't know now eh?) and the offer was only available to North American residents.

So, I came up with the half-assed solution of setting up my own PC as a server and hosting the site from there (not really my PC per se, actually used a VM running Linux within Windows, now thats ghetto) and with the help of no-ip.com, the site ethnicscrap.servebeer.com was created. A lucky few were even able to view the inital test page. But then, I realized my PC would have to be turned on perpetually, and being the energy conscious and environment friendly person I am, (pause as birds chirping birds flutter onto my shoulders and a sun rises over a hill behind me) that just doesn't fly. As if on cue, every other reason I could think of suddenly materialized within my reach; Having to learn html, php, MySQL, Perl, etc, etc, design issues, time, plus the fact that my comic illustrator leaves the fucking country, it was time to go to an automated system.

And that is how this was born. The Friendster blog, useful in the way that it would alert my "friends" whenever it had updated, was pretty useless since hardly any of my "friends" log on anymore. Also, the fact that they now put ads and deleted half my posts, limited customization, etc, fuck that.

I'm pretty sure, like all of my other endeavors, this blog will die a slow but sure death, at the beginning brimming with enthusiasm and hope, slowly spiraling into a stagnant pool of creative writing decay.