Friday, June 30, 2006

Excitement, Wrestling, Bullshit, and HOLY FUCK!

Fuck, I have to stop saying "So", I think I said it almost 40 times the other post. Oh well.

Yesterday I was trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to back to Narita Airport, cause most sites only told you how to get out of Narita and to Tokyo, but none of them really told you how to get back. So a click here and there brought me to the Japan Railway East website, and this was what was on their index page of the English portion of their website:


Right. So later that night, before going to sleep, channel surfing after watching The Simpsons, I ended on Discovery Channel, which was showing a documentary type show of a Japan Airlines accident. I didn't get to finish it, as sleep took over, but I thought that with the tone of the show, that maybe the people did survive. This morning, after doing a google on Japan Airlines Flight 123, I came up with this wikipedia article:

Seriously, what the FUCK!


For those that have been following, on WWE they have brought Degeneration X back! Holy shit that's awesome. For those unaware, DX was a faction within WWE that was appealed to young teens through its anti-corporation/rebellious/sticking-it-to-the-man themes, bringing pranks and antics upon their rival wrestlers, and of course, for the infamous crotch chop. Numerous teen males were enthralled by their ring entrance, with the crotch chop emphasized with the the green flares being rocketed outwards leaving a trail of green smoke that would leave an "X" behind the ring.
They were first introduced in 1998, and I can't believe it has been that long. It seemed like only yesterday when we could come to school on Monday morning each having their own highlight about the weekend's festivities on WWF Raw (yes, it was still WWF back in the day), when newspapers would carry stories about how DX was being socially and morally offensive, when we would be called into assembly to be warned about the dangers of practicing wrestling moves against classmates after one was dropped on the head after a botched Tombstone Piledriver, where the sale of Degeneration X and wrestling t-shirts was big news, and news of students being reprimanded for doing the crotch chop at opposing schools during athletic meets. Ahh yes, those were the days... /old man rant

But even wrestlers grow older. HHH has since married, and Shawn Michaels has become a "Holy Man", but hey, it's all good.


There are these ads on tv going round, the PC vs Mac ads, where the young, hip, cool Mac guy would show that Macs are better. There was one in particular that irked me, where they would say that Macs dont freeze:

BULLSHIT. I was at BestBuy yesterday, playing with the eMac that was on display. It had a page opened on Google Earth, so I tried to minimize it. Nothing happened. Waited for a few seconds, then minimized it again. This time, I get the progress indicator, the small spinning multicolored sphere that is synonymous in function to the hourglass in Windows. A wait for a few seconds, and its still spinning. I can move the mouse around, and the sphere moves with it, but still nothing. And then, it stops. The spinning, the movement, everything. OH! It fucking FROZE! Yeah, fuck you cool guy in the Mac ads.

Of course, if I had the money to buy a decent Mac, this post wouldn't be here.

But seriously, the PC I am currently using, built in February this year, has yet to freeze on me.


I doubt that any of you know or play Beatmania, which is basically a DDR (Dance Dance Revo) for your hands, (and for those that dont know what DDR is, well... there's always Wikipedia) I sometimes lookup vids of good players on youtube or whatever, and most of the time you're blown away and/or demoralized by the greatness of the players out there, but this guy is just simply fucking amazing. Even if you don't play or know the game, it is simply a holy fuck moment.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Wise no more

A few months ago I went to the dentists to have them cleaned (mainly because the last time a dentist looked into my mouth was around 3 years ago) and when they did an x-ray showing my teeth, and right at the back on the bottom jaw, where a wisdom tooth lay, horizontally, underneath my gums, pushing up against the molar. On both sides. So, it was determinted that if I chose, I could get them removed. Well, combined with the fact that it was probably these teeth that had caused the misalignment of my bite, meaning I could no longer bite my nails in the way that I preferred, and the fact that it would be basically free (salamat trabaho) then what the hey, why not.

So fast forward to today, this morning to be specific. I was greeted into the office by a cheery middle-aged woman in dentists clothing, who ushered me into the little "cubicle", where there was a young bored teenage girl reading a book, who seemed to be her assistant of some sort. After the normal "small-talk", ie, do you smoke, allergic to anything, etc etc, I noticed a small middle-aged asian guy come in with a surly disposition, who I thought was the janitor or something. Next thing you know he's giving orders to the other two people! alright then.

So, I thought I would be fully sedated for this, as my friend who went through the same thing was. That notion somehow freaks me out, that doctors have the ability to just put you to sleep like that. Thankfully, I wasn't put through that. The "nurse" put something in my arm to help me "relax", and then the dentist went through the process of injecting me in several places to numb the pain. It was funny cause I could feel some of the "juice" going on my tongue, it had quite a bitter taste to it. Anyway, after several minutes of drilling, pulling, tugging, etc etc, it was done. I can't really remember much of it. I remember being led out, and I find nanay signing forms, then they realize that she wasnt supposed to, they give me a seperate form, and I just sign on the spots marked X. I will probably have to call them back to ask what it was that I had just signed. I was also being supported by the nurse that led me in previously, and I asked if I could have the teeth, but she said that they're gone, they were cracked/broken as they were being taken out. Oh well.

Again, the memory is blurred from the drugs, but all I can remember is coming home and going to sleep. Now, I don't know if other people have this problem, but when I sleep, my mouth doesn't like to drool. Instead, it keeps the mouth closed so that when awakening I have a mouth full of 5 hour old saliva, or panis na laway. However, today was different. The saliva didnt feel right. So I go to the bathroom, and slightly open my mouth to take a look, and I see my mouth filled to the brim with a viscous dark red colored liquid. The doctor's instructions specifically said no spitting after the operation. FUCK that. There was no way I was swallowing that. (Wow, never thought I'd have to say that line :P)

And now, the drugs have worn off, half my jaw feels numb, I can hardly open my mouth, and I am just waiting for the rest of the anesthesia to wear off so I can get hooked on painkillers.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Fuck I am bored

I have yet to discover the art of doing something useful and/or productive. So as is the norm in such situation, we turn to the Intertron. And I recently remembered something amusing that had us enthralled upon its discovery, two years ago or something. I only remembered it again. anyway, here it is in all it's glory.

Haha yes! Spiderman, Mazinger Z, an unnamed ballerina and monk dancing! And, uuuh, yeah that's it. Pretty pathetic I know. Since Blogger doesn't allow for gifs, go here to see it in motion. For even more fun, play your favorite music in the back and watch them dance in time! Best viewed while listening to:

- Angelina
- Sasakyan Kita
- Be My Lover
- On Ne S'aimera Plus Jamais (the shami-shami song)
- (Insert your favorite tricycle/jeep song)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Randomness from the Phone pt.3 - Toronto

Not really done all in one trip, mainly done from the numerous times we went.

Toronto! It may be only 4 hours away (by car) and many of you (all 2 of you that read this) have probably been to destinations more exotic and distant than that, but going to Toronto is always good fun, especially if you come from a boring-ass city like Ottawa. And I've already outlined to many others, its the actual journey, the freedom of the "road trip". Road trips as a kid were defined by the guidelines and destinations set by your parents, bound to the backseat of the car. Nowadays however, that is not the case. You see everything on your own, plan your own shit, get lost on your own, get drunk on your own, pass out with the two strippers that you had hired on your own... what, oh shit, sorry, I didn't say that. Anyway...

Ahh yes, Niagara Falls, the hallowed location where Superman once trod. Not much to say here. The pic is pretty shitty, but for my phone camera it wasn't bad. And it is again, one of those things that is comparable to The Matrix. You cannot be told what it is, you have to see it for yourself.

Now here is something interesting, on the rails on the viewing platform at Niagara, there is this sign, which depicts a man going over the rails, and warning us of the impending danger. How very thoughtful, thank you for that. It's not as if the thousand liters of gushing water and ice barreling over a 57m drop to crash and churn in the rocky ground below was enough of a warning, but thanks nonetheless.

On the most recent trip, Meynard shouted us a trip to Paramount Canada's Wonderland, the "premier" theme park in Canada. Anyway, Mimay did point out that it was a branch of the Australian version, Australia's Wonderland. Wow. I did not notice that. Anyway, the one we went to in Australia I thought was ok, but we come here and find that there are more than 13 rollercoasters of greater quality? Now I really felt like I'm from the Third World. My innocence to the world shows. Anyway, Much of the day was spent waiting in line, even though we get there early, we had to wait for about 40-60mins to get on a ride.

What was interesting, was that they also had a Hanna Barbera (sp) section, (the people that made Flinstones, Yogi Bear, etc), the same as Australia's Wonderland. And when I was 6 yrs old or so, I have a picture of me in the merry go round at Australia's Wonderland, sitting in the lap of a giant shark cartoon character as one of the chariots on this merry go round. And when we go to the one here in Canada, there is the exact same one! I should've got a picture taken, but I didn't remember it till it was too late. Oh well.

Alright, so near the end of the day, we go on a ride, where Tristan, the person pictured, declines and says he'll wait for us at the bottom. When we get back to him, we find him prone on the bench, fast asleep. Naturally, the next step....

...Would be to take pictures with the sleeping guy. However, he awoke to our shenanigans before we could get random people to pose with him.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dug dug, tadug dug, HUH! (and other tidbits)

- So, with the lack of any real Naruto episodes, I have finally given in and started reading the manga series online. This has also provided a great way to pass the time at work, when your stuck in front of a computer for the entire day, what better way to pass the time than to catch up on Naruto :D However, I am nearing the end of where the series is up to so far, so after the first of hour of work tomorrow, I will be once again stuck with nothing to do. Except work. Which still amounts to nothing.

This resurgence of interest in Naruto has piqued my thirst to watch the episodes I already have, and watching it again you find why you liked the series in the first place, a well thought out plot that is both humorous and touching, awesome fucking music, characters that you can care about, etc etc. Ah yes, the days before the whole thing hit the filler shit fan.

Concerning the pic above, apparently Nike and Bandai are partnering to bring you the official Naruto shoe, which kids will no doubtly use to help concentrate their chakra, especially when they walk on water or climb horizontally up a tree trunk. I use the term official, because I am sure that in any flea market in Asia you can find rubber shoes w/ a Naruto figure sewn on the side.

- The world is truly changing when Mad TV is better than SNL.

- A conversation at work the other day:

Asian guy: (trying to be cute) Your just picking on me cause I'm Asian!
Girl: You're Asian?? (sounding surprised)

(momentary pause while everyone within earshot wonders why she has to ask, when his black hair, yellow/orange skin, slanted eyes, spectacles, and (probably) the inherent ability to play the piano and/or violin, makes the question unconditionally rhetorical.)

Asian guy: I'm Cambodian.
Girl: Yeah, so?

everyone within earshot: *slaps forehead

Someone thankfully, informed her that Cambodians are indeed, Asian.

- the world is truly a sad place, when you run out of things to do on the Intertron.

- And I don't get the big deal about Gnarls Barkley. Ok, it's Cee-Lo (sp). He named his band after a basketball player. And?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Maanghang ba?

(This may be old, but I only found out about it now.)

The degree of "hotness" that a hot sauce is measured by is called a scoville unit, it measures the amount of capsaicin, the chemical that makes something "hot".

Personal taste and preference will always be a factor when it comes to spicy food, I personally like some spice, but not to the point where it becomes unbearable and what was supposed to be a culinary delight turns into a burning sear (I don't think that's right grammar) I still find it amazing how some people can find extremely hot foods "tasty" when I'm pretty sure they can't taste whatever it was in the first place.

Anyway, back to the point, I really haven't had that much experience with hot sauce, outside of Tabasco, the Asian chili sauce from Pho, and the small chili peppers that Ate Ne grows in our backyard. However, a discussion on a forum that I frequent brought up the topic of the higher tier hotsauces. One of the links posted was that to a webpage charting the different hotsauces and how they rate in terms of hotness.

So, the highest measure of hotness, 16,000,000 Scoville units, is pretty much pure capsaicin. If you've ever watched Fear Factor, I believe they had the episode where they had the contestants eat a Habanero pepper, the hottest pepper in the world with fermented squid intestines (I think). Well, the Habanero pepper, the hottest pepper in the world (they say), clocks in at 100,000 to 300,00 Scoville units. What the fuck! Of a potential of 16 MILLION units, the hottest pepper in the world only manages a measly 300,000 (max).

So, we turn to man made sauces. The hottest sauce, well, doesn't really count as a sauce, because its PURE FUCKING CAPSAICIN. That's right, 16 FREAKIN MILLION Scoville units. The aptly named, Blair's 16 Million Reserve.

And hey, if that may be a little too much for you, how about going one step down, to Blair's 6 am, which ranges from 10.3 million - 16 million units. :| Right, come on, really, at that point, I don't think my mouth is going to notice the difference between 10.3 million and 16 million Scoville units, all that would be registering would be PAIN. And lots of it.

And poised above each bottle, is a wax molding of a skull. Which I am assuming is what you will look like after consuming these monstrosities.

And where does Tabasco fit into all this madness? 2,140. That's right, two fucking thousand. So for those that find Tabasco a painful experience, imagine eating something that is 7476.6355 (round to 4 decimal places) times more hotter than that.

The full list can be found here.

The lesson in all this? I have to try it. Think of it as a roller coaster. Without the height. And more pain. They actually say it's healthy. Right. I will probably open the bottle, take a whiff, and crumple on the floor as if hit by tear gas. It's an excuse to eat chicken wings.

Anyway, for all your higher tier hotsauce needs, is your friend. Or any other store will work too I guess.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Randomness from the phone pt2 - Supermarket Fun

While at the Chinese Supermarket, we saw a display showing their sale of "Philipone Mangoes!" Wow! Philipone? Where is this exotic location they speak of? Surely they don't mean the Philippines? /sarcasm
However, looking down at the boxes these mangoes were in...

Ahhh of course.