Excitement, Wrestling, Bullshit, and HOLY FUCK!
Fuck, I have to stop saying "So", I think I said it almost 40 times the other post. Oh well.
Yesterday I was trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to back to Narita Airport, cause most sites only told you how to get out of Narita and to Tokyo, but none of them really told you how to get back. So a click here and there brought me to the Japan Railway East website, and this was what was on their index page of the English portion of their website:

Right. So later that night, before going to sleep, channel surfing after watching The Simpsons, I ended on Discovery Channel, which was showing a documentary type show of a Japan Airlines accident. I didn't get to finish it, as sleep took over, but I thought that with the tone of the show, that maybe the people did survive. This morning, after doing a google on Japan Airlines Flight 123, I came up with this wikipedia article:

Seriously, what the FUCK!
For those that have been following, on WWE they have brought Degeneration X back! Holy shit that's awesome. For those unaware, DX was a faction within WWE that was appealed to young teens through its anti-corporation/rebellious/sticking-it-to-the-man themes, bringing pranks and antics upon their rival wrestlers, and of course, for the infamous crotch chop. Numerous teen males were enthralled by their ring entrance, with the crotch chop emphasized with the the green flares being rocketed outwards leaving a trail of green smoke that would leave an "X" behind the ring.
They were first introduced in 1998, and I can't believe it has been that long. It seemed like only yesterday when we could come to school on Monday morning each having their own highlight about the weekend's festivities on WWF Raw (yes, it was still WWF back in the day), when newspapers would carry stories about how DX was being socially and morally offensive, when we would be called into assembly to be warned about the dangers of practicing wrestling moves against classmates after one was dropped on the head after a botched Tombstone Piledriver, where the sale of Degeneration X and wrestling t-shirts was big news, and news of students being reprimanded for doing the crotch chop at opposing schools during athletic meets. Ahh yes, those were the days... /old man rant
But even wrestlers grow older. HHH has since married, and Shawn Michaels has become a "Holy Man", but hey, it's all good.
There are these ads on tv going round, the PC vs Mac ads, where the young, hip, cool Mac guy would show that Macs are better. There was one in particular that irked me, where they would say that Macs dont freeze:
BULLSHIT. I was at BestBuy yesterday, playing with the eMac that was on display. It had a page opened on Google Earth, so I tried to minimize it. Nothing happened. Waited for a few seconds, then minimized it again. This time, I get the progress indicator, the small spinning multicolored sphere that is synonymous in function to the hourglass in Windows. A wait for a few seconds, and its still spinning. I can move the mouse around, and the sphere moves with it, but still nothing. And then, it stops. The spinning, the movement, everything. OH! It fucking FROZE! Yeah, fuck you cool guy in the Mac ads.
Of course, if I had the money to buy a decent Mac, this post wouldn't be here.
But seriously, the PC I am currently using, built in February this year, has yet to freeze on me.
I doubt that any of you know or play Beatmania, which is basically a DDR (Dance Dance Revo) for your hands, (and for those that dont know what DDR is, well... there's always Wikipedia) I sometimes lookup vids of good players on youtube or whatever, and most of the time you're blown away and/or demoralized by the greatness of the players out there, but this guy is just simply fucking amazing. Even if you don't play or know the game, it is simply a holy fuck moment.
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